الصناعات التجميلية تنقل أعمالها وتجارتها من التجارة التقليدية الى الأونلاين في ظل جائحة كورونا

The Coronavirus pandemic has led to thousands over the world getting affected, with the death toll rising sharply every day. Needless to say, its impact on the beauty industry is pretty severe and widespread. Companies have shifted businesses online There are numerous travel restrictions that have been imposed, while physical stores have experienced a reduction […]

البشرة الحساسة - اسبابها وعلاجها

If you have sensitive skin, you need to be extremely careful as several emotional and environmental factors can have a negative impact on it. Starting from pets and weather, to stress and dust, there could be several triggers involved here. What are the causes of sensitive skin? Sensitive skin is caused when nerve endings on […]

فوائد النوم للبشرة

Beauty sleep isn’t a mere term – it actually carries a deeper meaning. A sound sleep at night directly impacts your skin health! When you are deprived of sleep, the body manufactures more cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Elevated levels of cortisol lead to higher stress, tension, and inflammation, which wreak havoc on the […]

لماذا استخدام المرطب قبل المكياج

Moisturizers are great for keeping skin hydrated while protecting its moisture barrier, but it can be an ideal base for makeup application as well. Thoroughly cleansed and well-moisturized skin is a remarkable canvas for makeup. So why do you need to apply moisturizer before makeup? Here goes: Get smoother skin One of the most effective […]

دور مضادات الأكسدة في تأخير علامات الشيخوخة

Aging is inevitable, so regardless of how hard you try, this process can’t be stopped, but what you can do is reduce the appearance of its signs in the form of wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, etc. Antioxidants work wonders when it comes to thwarting environmental damage that slowly changes skin, causing it to look […]

الوقاية من التجاعيد لا يمكن أن تبدأ مبكرًا

When you are in your 20’s, anti-aging products aren’t typically on your mind. But signs of aging often manifest quite early these days, even before you hit 30 – it could be due to exposure to sun, stress, hormonal changes, and other factors. That is why, wrinkle prevention should start timely, so the situation doesn’t […]